Results of Day One In Canada West Curling


The results of Day One of the 2022 Canada West Canadian Armed Forces Curling Championship now going on at the Moose Jaw Events Centre. Spectators are welcome at this FREE EVENT.

Game 1 Moose Jaw (10+) over Edmonton (1), after 6 ends

Game 2 Winnipeg (9) over Cold Lake (7), extra end

Game 3 Comox (10+) over Edmonton (1), after 5 ends

Game 4 Cold Lake (7)over Moose Jaw (5), after 7 ends

Game 5 Comox (8) over Winnipeg (6), extra end

Game records after day 1 of competition

Comox 2-0

Winnipeg 1-1

Cold Lake 1-1

Moose Jaw 1-1

Edmonton 0-2

Follow for pictures and event info.

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