2022 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Canada West Curling Championship Kicks Off

The crowd may have been small on a frosty Tuesday morning but the enthusiasm was there as the 2022 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Canada West Curling Championship first draw was played this morning.

The event, being held at the Moose Jaw Events Centre from Tuesday until Thursday, features curlers from four CAF bases in Western Canada.

The event is FREE to attend and there are some really nice and friendly military personnel to meet.

The game may have ended with a handshake between Edmonton Garrison and 15 Wing (Moose Jaw) but there were some intensely competitive moments with both sides trying to sweep their opponent’s rock out of play - MJ Independent photo

Five teams from across Western Canada - Comox, Cold Lake, Edmonton, Winnipeg and Moose Jaw - are taking part in the tournament.

The following are the remaining draws for the three day event held at the Moose Jaw Event Centre.


1:30 pm

  • Edmonton vs Comox

  • Moose Jaw vs Cold Lake

    7 pm

  • Comox vs Winnipeg

There was some sweeping needed on this tap back by the 15 Wing Team - MJ Independent photo


9:15 am

  • Edmonton vs Cold Lake

    1:30 pm

  • Comox vs Moose Jaw

  • Winnipeg vs Edmonton

    7:30 pm

  • Winnipeg vs Moose Jaw

  • Cold Lake vs Comox

The 15 Wing team, throwing yellow stones, was on their way to a five ender versus Edmonton - MJ Independent


9:15 am

  • Semi Final 1st vs 4th

  • Semi Final 2nd vs 3rd

    1:30 pm

    Championship Final

    3 pm

    Awards Presentation

moose jaw