Wrestlers Qualify For High School Provincials

A large group of local high wrestlers, due to where they finished in regional competitions, are off to the provincial championships March 6th and 7th to be held in Saskatoon. The top four athletes from Regionals in each weight class qualified to attend Prince Albert the SHSAA Provincials in Saskatoon March 6th & 7Th

Moose Jaw High School Wrestling (Both Peacock & Central Wrestlers) - Front row Left to right. Matthew Knox, Alexis Bradish, Liam Vargo, Nigel Fang, Kayce Owens. Back Row Left to right Connor Rowsell, Alyssa Roney, Sydnee Christmann, Makayla Holm…

Moose Jaw High School Wrestling (Both Peacock & Central Wrestlers) - Front row Left to right. Matthew Knox, Alexis Bradish, Liam Vargo, Nigel Fang, Kayce Owens. Back Row Left to right Connor Rowsell, Alyssa Roney, Sydnee Christmann, Makayla Holmes, Paige Lidberg, Ulrik Tondevold - submitted photo

 The following is a lost of who qualified, and their placings, for provincials and in what weight class from the regional champoinships held in Prince Albert on February 29th.

Central Collegiate


2nd     Alexis Bradish in the 68kgs weight class


4th      Nigel Fang in the 53kgs weight class   

A.E. Peacock Collegiate


2nd      Mihert Cridland in 56kg Weight Class

4th     Alyssa Roney in 53 Kgs weight class

Makayla Holmes in the 64 kgs weight class

Sydnee Christmann in the 73 kgs weight class


1st      Kyle Yamniuk in the 62kgs weight class

2nd     Matthew Knox in the 41 kg weight class

          Kayce Owens in the 47 kgs weight class

          Davin Miller in the 69 kgs weight class

          Dylan Yaminiuk in the 73 kgs weight class

3rd      Connor Rowsell in the 90 kgs weight class

At Provincials on March 6th & 7th the Top 4 Wrestlers from each weight class from the Regionals Championships, Top 4 Wrestlers from the Regina City Championships and the Top 4 Wrestlers from the Saskatoon City Championships will compete for the title of SHSAA Provincial champion.

moose jaw