High School Wrestlers Compete In Regina Tournament
By Submitted
Moose Jaw’s high school wrestlers made the trip to Regina where they competed in the 2020 O’Neil Titans Wrestling Classic on January 10th and 11th. The event saw 29 High School Wrestling Teams take part with 251 Athletes competing (39 Elite Females, 68 Elite Males, 55 Novice Females, and 90 Novice Males).
Warmups at the 2020 O’Neil Titans Wrestling Classic = Submitted Photo
Results for A.E. Peacock Collegiate
Elite Female 56kg Mihert Cridland's placed 3rd
Elite Female 68kg Makayla Holmes's placed 5th
Elite Female 73kg Sydnee Christmann's placed 3rd
Elite Male 62kg Liam Vargo's placed 3rd
Elite Male 65kg Kyle Yamniuk's placed 3rd
Elite Male 73kg Davin Miller's placed 1st
Elite Male 82kg Dylan Yamniuk's placed 1st
Elite Male 90kg Connor Rowsell's placed 2nd
Novice Female 49-53 Cassandra Bowles's placed 4th
Novice Female 59-61 Paige Lidberg's placed 3rd
Novice Female 68-72 Kayla Kwan's placed 2nd
Novice Male 44-48 Kayce Owens's placed 3rd
Connor Rowsell of A.E. Peacock (in green) VS Sam Penner of St Pauls from Manitoba - submitted photo
Results for Central Collegiate
Elite Male 73kg Samuel Eros's placed 3rd
Novice Male 53-56 Ulrik Tondevold's placed 4th
Novice Male 55-58 Adrian Martin's placed 3rd
Novice Male 60-61 Zarek Sand's placed 2nd
Liam vargo from A.E. Peacock VS Paul Hotomani of Balfour Collegiate - submitted photo
Results for Vanier Collegiate
Novice Male 51-53 Jesse Heinbigner's placed 3rd
Miherit Cridland from A.E Peacock VS Miriam Shah of Warman High School - submitted photo
The next High School Wrestling Tournament will be the South Saskatchewan Championships in Moose Jaw, Sk February 8th and 9th at A.E. Peacock.