Rhino's Ramblings - The Great Mask Debate

By Robert Thomas - Opinion/Commentary

In politics there are a couple of famous sayings.

Nothing in politics is ever a coincidence and sowing divisiveness in the ranks of your opponent's supporters is always good for business.

Two such conditions now exist on a provincial level and it all has to do with the government's plans to re-open schools in September.

Introduced this past week by Education Minister Gord Wyant the plan has been called flawed by the NDP and by many who in my opinion are their allies.

And the ruccous is seemingly like attracting bears to honey.

For the NDP the proof is in the pudding.

In their estimation given the scientific and anecdotal evidence when it comes to children returning to class what Minister Wyant proposed was nothing less than a seeming death sentence for staff and students alike.

In less than a week the NDP has hit on a lightning rod issue which in my estimation is not enough to give them government come late October election but it throws a real spanner into the SaskParty works.

The NDP smells opportunity to increase their caucus.

The smoothly oiled and polished Re-Open Saskatchewan plan suddenly has some dirt in the engine.

It is time for the Opposition either to seize up the SaskParty plans for re-opening schools or for the government to concede on key points.

This is a time where the NDP can score points.

For the NDP with their own polling as well as what Angus Reid reported on attitudes towards compulsory mask wearing in Saskatchewan in my estimation they see as an opportunity.

An opportunity to kiss babies without actually doing it in the physically distanced world we live in.

What Angus Reid's survey found was 55 percent of Saskatchewan residents polled said they were in favour of wearing masks in public places whereas 45 percent said they were not. An almost 50/50 split in terms of support.

But if you dig deeper the Angus Reid survey also says the majority of those who support mask wearing are women. Without sounding sexist the ones usually tasked with taking the kids to school.

You have a true motherhood issue of protecting children ready made.

Now you can add to that the good majority of the anti-mask crowd are from the right side of the political spectrum and what you have is a wedge. And in politics wedges can be exploited.

Especially at election time.

The final factor to add in is that the only glowing moment many people remember when it comes to Opposition leader Dr Ryan Meili is that he is a medical doctor.

And really when it comes right down to it the good Doctor has shone the brightest during his tenure at the NDP helm when it came to medicine and the COVID – 19 pandemic.

This, for the NDP, is an opportunity they cannot waste.

All the SaskParty has in response are the recommendations of the Province's Chief Medical Officer Dr Saqib Shahab a civil servant rock star when it comes to COVID – 19.

Other factors external to education helped to stir the great mask debate seemingly in the NDP's favor.

WalMart Canada's surprise announcement that come Monday masks are mandatory in all of their stores was like a scoop shovel stirring a barrel of you know what.

On social media and in the coffee shops the WalMart move ignited a lot of passion on both sides of the debate. Passion which helps out the NDP.

For the SaskParty this is definitely a wedge issue.

As mentioned a sizeable number of their supporters are solidly on the pro-freedom anti-mask band wagon.

It also leaves me thinking are we going to hear from the ever so silent WeExit Party, now re-branded the Buffalo Party of Saskatchewan.

Will the Buffalos become embiggened (yes I'm quoting The Simpson’s) with the potential of securing momentum and votes?

This is their best issue in my estimation for them to wade in on.

It’s something which won’t unseat the SaskParty. But if the anti-mask crowd is a deep as they are vocal and vote accordingly it might hurt the SaskParty in key constituencies.

Perhaps this is the prescription Dr Meili is hoping to force down Premier Scott Moe's throat. It’s a medicine akin to drinking Buckley's to cure a broken big toe.

It tastes bad and is not going to help you.

Already it appears Education Minister Wyant is listening to the questioners by conceding there is an order for six million masks.

Announced all on a Summer Friday so as to seemingly prevent the NDP benefiting from it over the weekend. People are at the lake and who cares.

On the local front the mask debate reached provincial overtones as the Broadbent Foundation launched pressprogress.ca took a swipe at the Prairie South School Division (PSSD) of all things. PSSD has voted to cut back on custodial services during a pandemic of all things.

The pressprogress.ca story was quickly repeated by NDP friendly journalists without even pausing Toni Basil.

A decision the SaskParty was trying not to own by saying it is a local school board decision.

Something like the decisions by the two local school boards against mandatory mask wearing. It’s not the government’s decision, or is it?

The issue was also in a press release MJ Independent carried as a story weeks ago when we received it from the union.

This time around MJ Independent never ran anything as nobody sent us a press release.

We did not carry a story because in my opinion months ago we stopped receiving news releases from the NDP at our request. A request which was health related as MJ Independent was preparing like it’s acting editor to go – 30 - .

So what I am saying is in my opinion – although I cannot prove it - there is seemingly an NDP hand on that scoop shovel stirring the aforementioned barrel of you know what.

Just cueing the expected oops it was an oversight not to send it to you rebuttal sometime next week.

Further on the local front Friday had a golden moment as the NDP candidate for Moose Jaw Wakamow Melissa Peterson was in front of MLA Greg Lawrence's office decrying the government's return to school plans.

The picture my guess is the NDP would like painted is a revolt of common folk while MLA Lawrence hid behind his constituency office's battlements or at least locked door.

Some of those gathered would say later on social media Greg Lawrence was hiding in his office not wishing to speak to constituents when they came knocking. Without mentioning they most are likely in my opinion NDP supporters and partisans.

Although the timing was close all they truly needed to do if so angered was wait less than half an hour and just walk across the street to a BBQ fundraiser for charity. MLA Lawrence was there flipping burgers.

And yes it is almost like MLA Lawrence slipped out the backdoor to attend a fundraising BBQ leaving the NDP locked out at the main gate. After supper I drove by and checked nope there is no backdoor to escape through.

But since this is Moose Jaw perhaps I need to look for hidden tunnels and a bat cave.

If I look close enough I’m likely to find a hollowed out stump tunnel entrance over on Home Street with a sign “MLA Emergency Use Only”.

If Hogan's Heroes can have one why not Moose Jaw?

So there you have it round one of the Great Mask Debate.

I declare the winner common decency.

Common decency for not allowing the rally wrath to spill over to the charitable organization's BBQ.

Both South Hill contenders diplomatically showed their support for a great cause.

Remember though it’s all politics.

Personal Note - Thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday. And no I did not take advantage of those free offers local restaurants have - but thank you anyhow. Heart surgery is still a month away.

Rhino's Ramblings is an opinion column and as such it presents a commentary on issues of concern in the community. We encourage our readers to read other news sources in order to form their own opinions on the issues.

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