Letter To The Editor - Who Is In Charge Of Snow Clearing

Dear Members of Council & City Manager.

Since our last snowstorm some city workers responsible for cleaning our sidewalks should perhaps be sent home because they sure didn’t do their job properly in regards to cleaning the sidewalk located on the south side of the CN underpass on Athabasca St East. The south side of the sidewalk has been in a big mess since the snowstorm we got.

Big piles of snow have been left right on the sidewalk itself. It is challenging to just walk among that big mess.

As well, the south side of the sidewalk from the library to the end of Crescent park has also been poorly clean and the same has to be said about the side walk on the north side of Fairford Street East. There is still snow on the sidewalk and icy spot in many places.

I just can’t believe that in a place like the center of our town there is nobody from our workforce that have not done anything about that mess that has been there since the last snowstorm.

I don’t know how many city workers pass along those streets and sidewalk and didn’t tell anyone to correct that situation that should not have even occurred in the first place.

It is amazing to me that nobody from our city forces did notice the mess and pass on the information to those in charge of cleaning our side walk.

When a city like ours need people like me to let you know of such a situation that has been there for so many weeks in front of us all one may wonder what kind of peoples are running the show in our city and what kind of worker do we have on the pay roll.

I do hope that Notorious situation like this will not occur anymore in our town so that our taxes dollars can be use in a much more meaningful way.

Thanks for your time.

Michel Labonte

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

The letter represents the viewpoint of the letter author and may or may not reflect the views of MJ Independent. We post the letter as it is highly topical and asks a perennial question about who is responsible or not responsible for snow removal from City owned sidewalks.

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