Letter To The Editor - Writer Speaks About Nature And Balance Of Life

Nature is the greatest laboratory that exists in and because of Creation.

It needs no executive branch, no CEO, marketing wing, lobbyists or employees at all. It is not subject to daily market fluctuations. It requires no buildings or instruments. It bows to no human ambition, desire or power and it is forever.

We puny human beings and life in general would not exist without natures scientific, ever changing, dynamic balance. Creation allows nature ample time to find balance which is really only a shifting concept that has to change and flow with the challenges never ending Creation presents.

The interactions of nature on life is extremely intricate. Creation’s plants, forests in particular, give us oxygen to breath. Not so much oxygen that the air around us bursts into flame and not so little our lungs are starved for it. Water, fresh and salt, hosts our huge, diverse, array of organisms that can co-exist together in an ingenious circle of life, death and regeneration to life again. The sun rises every morning like clock work, he warms us, he gives us the energy of his light and he sends down his impregnating rays to Earth so she can recreate this amazing diversity of life.

This is a balance that no human brain or physical laboratory could ever imagine or duplicate. Just trying to conceive natures intricacies boggles the mind into amazed humility at our own, collective, intellectual limitations. Natures superior intelligence daily displays its beauty for those who wish to honour its loving tolerance for human ambitions.

Numerous human societies, over the ages, have recognized that superiority, worshiped it and sought to live, passively, within that balance. Those societies are usually wiped out by more aggressive human conditions like greed, power and control. But those aggressive conditions have no passive balance. They are subjected to endless turmoil because of their own selfish activities. Attached to this mental instability they have destructive capacities they wield recklessly, limited only by the technological capacities they have so far developed plus the dread in recognition of responsibility of the ultimate destruction they author.

Nature really doesn’t need human existence. It will find new balances with or without human interference. Those new Creative balances may even continue to provide the sustenance needed to extend, for the time being, human life on the planet.

We only got one planet and predictably only one brief opportunity left for humans to continue to co-exist with the rest of life on it.

Greg Chatterson Fort San, Saskatchewan

moose jaw