Rhino's Ramblings - A Game Of Wait And See
By Robert Thomas Opinion/Commentary
It came as a shock to the province's fledgling residential solar power industry as last week SaskPower suspended its Net Metering and 20 percent rebate program for the installation of solar power systems.
Whether it is a permanent suspension or not will be determined after SaskPower completes a review.
Under the program SaskPower customers could apply, sign a contract and then install renewable energy systems which hooked up to the provincial power grid. During times of peak power production surplus electricity would go into the grid with the customer having a reduced electrical bill and smaller carbon footprint – or less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Chinook Natural Gas Power Station Near Swift Current - MJ Independent File Photo
The program was capped at 16 Megawatts which the industry saw as being two years away. Then suddenly last week the cap was reached and SaskPower suspended the program until it did a review. The Crown utility pointing out – even without the 20 percent rebate – the program would cost the utility tens of millions a year.
For a consortium of groups including environmentalists, entrepreneurs, homeowners, activists and politicians (who can smell an opportunity to score political points at the expense of the provincial government) the decision was short sited, unfair and more evidence the Province was not committed to fighting Climate Change.
Sycamore Energy Media Handout
On Saturday afternoon I had planned to do some outside work and take a nap but I ended up getting hauled off to Regina where the opening of a new solar power installation firm was hastily converted into a rally against SaskPower's decision.
I decided to go, not as a supporter, but because of the effect the push to save the planet from the Green movement is having right here in Moose Jaw.
Climate Change is the rallying cry and it seems everyone wants to do something about it – the only problem is everyone wants the other guy to pay for it.
It is also a game of laying blame and tarring your opponents with a big broad brush with words such as denier, cruel. greedy and uncaring. Anything you can say to sway public opinion and paint the other guy as bad and stifle debate, discussion and a look at the big picture is being done.
It’s a ‘my way or the highway' look at the entire issue without realizing this goes much further than a decision by SaskPower to suspend and re-evaluate the Net Metering program.
It is also an approach which the other side sees as short sighted and fails to take into account the true costs of renewable energy. A cost many people – including the poor – are going to have to bear.
Any discussion in this area will have the Green Movement calling you a denier or a shill for the oil industry.
It is an attack on the rallying cry of ‘Free Energy’ the Green Movement has been using to sell not only the concept of solar and wind generated electricity but also deep down a tax shift.
A tax shift where those who are fortunate enough to be able to convert in my opinion in many ways do not have to pay there fair share of taxation when it comes to such things as road tax, the electrical grid and municipal surcharges applied to some utility bills.
It is a sore spot for the Green Movement who love promoting electric cars as being a cheap alternative to the carbon spewing internal combustion engine most people have. The reason why they do not pay as much as the majority of people is there is no road tax for their fuel.
It angered them when one US State dared put a $1000 a year surcharge on all electric cars to make up this difference.
It is an inconvenient fact.
Electrical Vehicles Recharging Station Under Construction in Moose Jaw - MJ Independent File Photo
But how does all of this tie into the big picture and what just happened with Net Metering and how does it all tie into Moose Jaw?
It all deals with SaskPower saying they are re-evaluating the program due to its cost. It also entails a bigger review SaskPower is undergoing when it comes to their entire carbon reduction strategy.
It's something brought on when suddenly the rallying cry of Climate Crisis seemingly forced the federal government to issue new unannounced regulations changing the game.
Moose Jaw is being hit by a double whammy were my thoughts when I listened to those gathered in Regina.
First off how is this going to affect Sycamore Energy's plans to establish its Saskatchewan headquarters here? What about the 25 good jobs the company was hoping to create in Moose Jaw? Is this expansion by the Winnipeg based renewable energy provider also now on hold?
If you were to read and believe what was reported as being said at the rally in Regina you might think so. But I also caught a bit of another mood there that this is just a temporary hurdle and things will soon change.
It is all a game of wait and see.
Then there is the fact seemingly hidden and ignored that being SaskPower is not abandoning solar energy but looking for larger and more efficient solar energy farms.
You know something like the proposal by MackSun Solar. Who failed in their initial proposal to SaskPower but also at the same time I believe have a second proposal being considered.
It is a game of wait and see.
Then what about SaskPower's proposed $700 million natural gas fired electrical energy generating station ? SaskPower is now re-evaluating due to Ottawa's policy shift on applying the Carbon Tax.
It is also a game of wait and see.
On a smaller scale I am also going to guess the City's plans to install solar panels on two of their buildings if there is no subsidy available? Will Council decide to scrap the idea and put the funds into Cast Iron Water Main Replacement instead?
That is also you guessed it is a game of wait and see.
So as I mingled and listened to what was being said in Regina you could see the politics and just how there is a much bigger picture at play here which will in the end have a major impact on Moose Jaw.