MJ Indepenedent Editor Resigns
Nick Murray, editor of MJ Independent, resigns to spend more time with family
I've been with MJ Independent since it's inception. I began simply as a writer but after about a month I took over duties as editor
I've now resigned from that position.
It's been a year now since we launched and I have had a lot of fun and learned a lot in the process both about the city of Moose Jaw and about myself. I've written stories I'm proud of and I've edited stories some would consider un-editable. I'm proud of the work I've done and the product I've helped to create. But the time has come for me to move on
The reality is is that I just dont have the time to edit a news outlet that can compete with the big news sources in the city. It's a full-time job and it pays no money whatsoever
In June, my wife gave birth to my lovely little daughter, Natalie. Between that, my eight year old son, whose schedule is also super busy, and a full-time job in Regina, I just haven't got thirty or so hours a week to sit at a computer doing the work necessary for MJ Independent to run the way it has been.
I spoke with my reporter, Robert Thomas, and told him I was considering shutting down the site permanently.
He's a fine reporter who has logged countless hours and dug out countless stories for MJ Independent. He often puts his neck and reputation on the line as well. His ruthless desire to report the truth has made him plenty of enemies. He does all of this for free (the few dollars that MJ Independent makes from ad sales gets eaten up by the administrative costs required to run and host a site like this). I felt it only fair to consult with Robert before making any big decisions.
Robert has some important investigative stories he has been pursuing and did not want to leave people hanging who put their necks on the line to tell their stories, so he wanted to keep the platform active. I gave him a crash course on how to publish stories and he will continue to supply Moose Jaw with the results from his fearless reporting.
Currently, there is no official editor at MJ Independent. But the platform is still alive and will continue to be updated in the foreseeable future.
Robert reports on city news and has an opinion column called "Rhino's Ramblings". Jordan submits movie reviews and Kim writes a column called "Beyond Your Backyard" that focuses on wildlife and nature. I will continue to submit the occasional story as well. I really enjoy covering the local music scene and will continue to do so in some capacity.
But from here on out, the direction MJ Independent goes in will be out off my control. If you like the new direction, that's excellent, if you don't then I apologize.
I'm very grateful that MJ Independent will remain active and I look forward to its future.
A most sincere thank you to all the readers who come to us to get their news. It's been a pleasure to bring it to you.
Nick Murray
Nick and his family