Moose Jaw Police Service Salaries For 2021 To Be Released Monday Afternoon

The full list of the salaries paid to all Moose Jaw Police Service employees on Monday as part of the release of the 2021 Public Accounts for the City of Moose Jaw.

We have sorted the previously alphabetically listed remunerations to a highest to lowest paid format to make it easier to review the list.

Due to a major computer problem the public accounts for 2021 are late by months and coincidentally this year come out just as the MJPS is seeking an increase in their 2023 budget.

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Officer Lets Slip MJPS Liaised With National Security Agency About Freedom Rally

For local conspiracy theorists who insist the police monitored and did perhaps more locally when it came to last winter's truckers’ Freedom Rally your fears just got a major boost.

As part of the Moose Jaw Police Service's (MJPS) Budget 2023 presentation to Council on Tuesday afternoon an officer inadvertently let it slip the MJPS had liaised with a national security agency about the Freedom Rally amongst other gatherings.

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