Street Sweeping Starts For Another Year

A sure sign Spring has arrived is the City has started the annual street sweeping campaign.

No Parking notices will be put up 72 hours prior to the street being cleaned - except in the Downtown metered areas - with drivers who do not park their vehicle elsewhere being ticketed and fined.

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No Further Details Available Regarding In Custody Death

The investigation into the sudden death of a 40 year old man in Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS) custody continues.

The MJPS will not release any information on the status of the October 7, 2020 death adding the process - if it includes a Coroner’s Inquest - could take some time for the details to become public.

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Board Of Police Commissioners Provide One Additional Budget Page

A Freedom of Information (FOI) request has resulted in a single page more detailed breakdown of the Moose Jaw Police Service’s 2022 operating budget versus 2021.

If you are hoping for greater detail and the amounts spent on single initiatives or even the additional cleaning costs the department incurred because of the COVID - 19 pandemic they were not part of the release.

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