A resident had a bit of a surprise just after midnight as a limb from a City-owned tree fell on his car.
Read MoreWith three weeks left until schools return the Holy Trinity Division has sent a letter to parents advising it is a restrictions free return to class.
Read MoreFor the first time in weeks a COVID - 19 outbreak has been declared at a Moose Jaw public facility.
Read MoreWith the COVID - 19 Pandemic wrapping up the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce has a new study that shows the major benefits a small shift in consumer spending would have on the local economy.
Read MoreAlthough many people are not following COVID - 19 since the Province removed or relaxed the majority of their control measures the SHA has issued an alert about two recent events in the Swift Current area and what attendees need to do as a result of potential exposure to the virus.
Read MoreIt is a disappointing year for the local Saskatchewan Burrowing Owl Interpretive Centre as none of the nine eggs laid this year hatched.
Read MoreThe ducks will be leaving - or at least sharing the Phyllis Dewar Outdoor Pool - as it is set to re-open on Friday.
Read MoreA water main break on Fairford Street East has forced the temporary closure of the Phyllis Dewar Outdoor Pool. The City advises there are other options though to enjoy a swim or cool off.
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