Alleged Arsonist Back In Court - Adjourned To April 9th

By Robert Thomas

A woman who is facing a number of criminal charges - including arson related charges - made a brief court appearance on Tuesday morning.

Sajeana Lee Nicole Hill (AKA Sage Hill) made a telephone appearance in front of provincial court Judge David Chow and was remanded until April 9th for a plea and election.

Previously Hill was released on strict bail conditions on February 27th designed to get Hill, 29, into a De-Tox centre the following day.

Hill is alleged to have committed five offences under the Criminal Code of Canada.

She is charged with allegedly breaching the Criminal Code of Canada:

  • two offences of breaching 129 (A) Obstructing a peace officer

  • 433 (a) two offences of intentionally and wiling committing arson and

  • 145 5 (a) breaching a release order and who fails, without lawful excuse, to comply with a condition of that release order other than the condition to attend court.

Hill is set to appear by video link at her next court appearance on April 9th.

She allegedly set fire to a home on the 1000 block of Simcoe Street on January 14th.

The January 14th fire did not result in injuries but resulted in an estimated $100,000 in damages to the residence.

When charges were laid for the Simcoe Street incident Hill was in custody for two other unrelated arson charges.

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