City Warns Residents About Coyote Sitings

If you have cats and dogs you may want to keep them inside for the next little while as coyotes have been spotted in the city.

And no coyotes may not be a threat to people when it comes to smaller animals - especially cats -coyotes don’t want to make friends but rather ALF them.

The City would like remind residents of the Coyote Control Program as sightings may increase with warmer weather returning.

According to the City coyotes are losing habitat due to our City’s growth and expanding residential neighbourhoods.

Coyotes are highly intelligent and adaptable species that the City advises are not a danger to humans.

The City says coyotes are a benefit to our community by eating mice, rats, gophers and other small rodents.

SEE RELATED - Coyotes A Keystone Species

In most cases the City advises residents to leave coyotes alone and keep a safe distance.

To help keep coyotes away from your home the City advises residents to:

  • Do not leave food out in your yard

  • Do not feed wildlife

  • Check your small pets often when outside and do not let your cat roam

  • Clean up dog feces, fallen fruit, garbage, and other food sources like fallen bird seed.

If assistance is needed to control coyotes there are options available.

If you encounter a coyote, make yourself appear big and make noise.

The big, bad and mean approach will usually dissuade coyotes from attacking humans.

Coyote attacks on humans are extremely rare.

Do not run away as they may chase you, back away slowly and move towards a building or public space.

f an emergency phone 911, and for non-emergency situations you can report sightings at 306-694- 4447.

moose jaw