Experience Shines For Vanier

Story and photos by Robert Thomas

Wednesday evening’s Moose Jaw high school senior girls city basketball league action was a battle between Vanier’s experience and Peacock’s newcomers.

In the end it was experience triumphing over the newcomers as the Spirits defeated the Toilers 83 - 33.

“I have five grade 12s and three grade 11s returning. I’ve never had that in my entire career that many people returning,” Vanier Spirits head coach Christa Lapointe said.

Eight of the 11 Spirits on the bench are returnees.

She said the grade 10s on the team like how the team works “and they are excited to be part of it.”

Vanier Spirits Kate Waldenberger breaks for the basket

It’s a similar theme for the Spirits this year as returning players helped them to capture the bronze medal in 4A high school senior girls volleyball just a couple of weeks ago.

Despite the convincing win Lapointe made deliberate efforts to downplay the win.

“Tonight’s game was exciting it’s the first game of the season. It was nice to get out again.”

She complimented the Toilers team.

“Peacock came they have a nice young team. They are only going to keep on improving throughout the entire season. It will be fun to see how they compete all the way through because they have no quit.”

Vanier Spirits Callie Klemenz breaks in towards Peacock’s basket

Lapointe said she would like to see more of the six teams in the senior girls league.

“It’s going to be exciting season. But I like to see all the teams and how they improve. Because when kids get out to play they get to improve and that’s what it’s all about.”

Asked about talk in the local basketball world that the Vanier Spirits are the powerhouse team to beat this season Lapointe said she would never say something like that.

“I would never say that because anything is possible in high school sports. There are some great teams and great coaches that are going to improve.”

Peacock Toilers Mattaya Coupland (left) attempts to go around Vanier Spirits Maddy Cruz breaking towards the basket

The other unknown in senior girls is the addition of the 5A Swift Current Ardens this season.

The Ardens have a strong basketball program - especially for senior girls.

“The (Swift Current) Comp(rehensive High School) is a big school so they’ll have an excellent program.”

Vanier Spirits Kate Waldenberger looks for a teammate to pass the ball to

“They have a strong program. The coach out there he runs a great program. They were contenders last year in 5A. And even though he had some seniors graduate he has some great players returning as well,” she said.

Asked about her feelings were about Swift Current joining the league Lapointe said “to be honest not for the winter driving.”

The trip is about two hours one way by school bus - without bathroom breaks.

A Peacock Toiler corrals a loose ball

Top Scorers For Vanier

Waverly Demassi 22 points

Ava Kindiak 16 points

Cady Olson 9 points

Top Scorers For Peacock

Mattaya Coupland 9 points

J McAvley 8 points

The scoresheet

Please note - due to miscommunication we were unable to speak to Peacock’s coach about the upcoming season, but we will do that as soon as possible.

moose jaw