June Traffic Safety Spotlight Focused On Good Driving Choices

SGI has announced their Traffic Safety Spotlight will focus on good driving choices such as buckling up and impaired driving.

As part of this month’s safety spotlight SGI is focused on a deadly combination driving impaired, riding with an impaired driver and not wearing a seatbelt.

While impaired driving remains the number one factor in fatal accidents in Saskatchewan, not wearing seatbelts at the same time factors in on one-third of those fatalities.

“Driving impaired is dangerous, and not wearing a seatbelt is reckless; unfortunately, where you find one, you often find the other,” Kwei Quaye, SGI Vice-President of Traffic Safety said in a statement.

“The combination significantly compounds the risk of a bad outcome, because driving impaired greatly increases the chance you’ll be in a crash and being unbelted increases the chance the crash will kill you,” Quaye said.

During July SGI and police would like to remind people to do the following:

  • Always drive sober

  • Planning a safe ride if you’re not going to be sober (i.e. designating a driver, or taking a taxi, rideshare, or designated driving service.)

  • Buckling up. Every time.  

  • Never getting into a vehicle with a driver who is impaired.  

  • Helping impaired friends find a safe ride home or letting them stay the night.  

  • Calling 9-1-1 to report suspected impaired drivers. 

Driving impaired results in a host of consequences that include licence suspensions, vehicle impoundments, financial penalties, driver education, a requirement to install and use Ignition Interlock, and the potential for a criminal record and incarceration. A

ticket for not wearing a seatbelt costs the recipient $175, plus three demerit points.

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