SGI Starts Mailing Out Rebate Cheques

For people whop had vehicles registered in Saskatchewan actively registered as of March 9, 2022 the $100 rebate cheques are starting to be mailed.

The cheques are a rebate from SGI as there is more than sufficient reserves in the Auto Fund’s Rate Stabilization Reserve and the government insurer has decided to rebate money back to its customers.

The $100 rebate will see $90 million rebated to owners of Saskatchewan registered vehicles as of March 9th, 2020.

The rebate follows a larger rebate SGI issued last year as there was a larger than necessary surplus in the same reserve account.

The provincial government is touting the rebates as a way they are assisting vehicle owners with the high cost of inflation is having on their lives.

“World events continue to put pressure on the cost of living, and SGI is proud to provide nearly $90M in relief to customers,” Minister Responsible for SGI Don Morgan said in a statement.

“Well-performing investments have brought the Auto Fund’s Rate Stabilization Reserve to a surplus, and now is a good time to put some of that money into the pockets of Saskatchewan people,” the Minister continued in the statement.

The rebates are automatic and customers do not have to apply to receive them.

There was and still is an on-going scam where cell phones have had messages sent to them saying the individual needs to click a link to receive their rebates. SGI has advised people NOT to click the link but delete it.

The cheques will be mailed in 10 batches between May 19 and May 30. Cheques will be mailed in an order that is randomly assigned by SGI’s system, so two customers in the same household may receive their cheques up to two weeks apart.

Customers are asked to be patient while cheques are being delivered. If you haven’t received your cheque by June 21, 2022, or you believe the value of your cheque is inaccurate, please call the SGI Customer Service Centre at 1-844-855-2744.

For more information click the link.

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