Courthouse Steps Protest Planned

It looks like this past Monday's plea deal and sentencing of Robyn St Laurent under provincial animal abuse regulations is not sitting well with at least a few Moose Javians.

A group of Moose Jaw animal lovers are planning a protest this coming Tuesday March 29th at 9:30 am in front of the Moose Jaw Provincial Courthouse (110 Ominica Street West) for what they see as a laxity in St Laurent's sentence as well as asking for tougher sentences.

The date coincides when her co-accused Dylan Gellert is expected to make his next court appearance on the matter.

In a news release the ad hoc group is decrying the $1,000 fine and five year animal prohibition sentence St Laurent received as lax and unacceptable.

The group is not only calling the sentence not enough but are also asking for tougher animal protection laws and penalties as what they see as a light sentence St Laurent received.

“We have laws for animal abuse, which can be used but rarely are. Abusers can receive a 5 year prison sentence and up to $100,000 in fines. When is enough enough. How many animals must be stolen from the streets and have their lives horribly taken?” a release stated.

In an interview Friday afternoon St Laurent's lawyer Adam Fritzler said the sentence handed down was appropriate under existing case law.

“The sentence in terms of applicable laws was appropriate,” Fritzler told MJ Independent.

He pointed out “a review of case law in the province that is accurate” sentence for his client.

“The sentence was within the realm of existing case law,” Fritzler said.

The group is asking people to attend plus “make a sign with a slogan that is big and easy to read, and join us to voice our disapproval of this outcome. Animals have no voice to protest, so we must be their voice,” the release concluded.

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