Mom Moving Accused Gets More Time To Find A Lawyer

Going to help your mother move might be a son's responsibility but so to is honouring your promises to the Court in criminal matters a defendent heard Wednesday morning.

Appearing in Moose Jaw Provincial Court on Wednesday morning Taban Emmaneul Miteng told Judge Daryl Rayner he needed more time to fill out paperwork to apply for a Legal Aid lawyer.

“You had three weeks sir,” Judge Rayner told Miteng - the lone defendent to show up in docket Court due to the move to telephone appearances.

Miteng had just told Judge Rayner he failed to apply for Legal Aid due to traveling to Calgary to help his mother move.

“It takes half an hour to fill out the paperwork and you could not find the time half an hour in three weeks?” Judge Rayner said looking straight at the defendent.

Miteng admitted he had the time but his mother's move in Calgary was a complicated affair.

The Judge then adjourned the case for one week to allow Miteng to apply for Legal Aid.

Miteng apologized to the Court for not making the application for Legal Aid “because I went to Calgary and mom was moving.”

Crown Prosecutor Rob Parker said the one week adjournment should give Miteng “plenty of time” to apply for Legal Aid.

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