Alleged Case Of Animal Abuse Adjourned To January 27th

An alleged case of animal cruelty dating back over two years has been adjourned once again to allow the lawyers on both - Crown and Accused - to come to an agreement on the case.

Appearing by telephone Legal Aid lawyer Adam Fritzler asked for an adjournment for his client former Moose Jaw and now Vibank resident Robyn Ashley St. Laurent.

St Laurent is facing a criminal charge, provincial charge plus a failure to appear on the incident which allegedly took place over two years ago.

“This is a matter I think we are close to resolution on this matter. I have spoken to (Crown Prosecutor) Mr (Rob) Parker about this,” Fritzler told Provincial Court Judge Brian Hendrickson.

Judge Hendrickson agreed to set the matter over until January 27th.

The accused did not appear in court but was represented by her lawyer via the telephone.

moose jaw