PPC Candidate Says People Need To Mobilize To Help Save Canada

“I cannot sit back any longer,” Chey Craik the People’s Party Of Canada (PPC) candidate for the Moose Jaw - Lake Center - Lanigan said to a standing ovation by about 200 people at a political rally on Thursday afternoon.

Craik had just wrapped up his speech in advance of the main event PPC leader Maxime Bernier.

The local candidate’s spoke not only about his feelings and reasons for getting involved in politics and making his second run to be MP but also detailed issues which he saw as important to local voters.

“I sure did not see myself as a politician. I never thought I would be here. But as things get worse in Canada seemingly every minute I can’t sit back and take it,” Craik said to applause in the opening moments of his speech.

Craik said if elected he would make his presence felt and be a strong voice for the riding.

“I will make you one promise today. I promise to be the loud and vocal voice for you and for this riding. No longer will there be an empty suit in Ottawa. I will stand for what is right and I will stand for you,” he said.

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Craik said he was running because of massive and destructive change to Canadian society.

“The degradation of Canadian society has been progressing at a breakneck speed. This is something I can let be passed on to future generations. I couldn’t live with myself knowing I had not fought for my kids, for our future…and getting Canada back on course.”

Craik asked questions to the crowd about their feelings regarding their current federal representative - retired Conservative MP Tom Lukiwski - and not being heard in Ottawa going on to question the satisfaction with the Liberal government and the Conservative opposition.

This is Craik’s second stab to win the seat for the PPC. In the 2019 election Craik garnered 1613 votes well behind the winning vote total of 31,993 votes for now retired Conservative MP Tom Lukiwski.

The only way for Craik to solve the problems was for change.

“This is truly a grassroots movement of the people working together to fight this evil globalist agenda that is taking over our world,” he said to mixed applause.

Craik said everything the PPC believed in was based on four principles - individual freedom, personal responsibility, fairness and respect.

A major emphasis of a PPC government was not for bigger government that is presently being pushed through with propaganda, authoritarian controls and

mandates on the people.

“We believe you should be the head of your household as God intended with him in the center and you know what is best for your family and not the government,” Craik said to another round of applause.

He went to take on what he saw as the evils coming to divide society as part of the response to the COVID - 19 pandemic.

“This segregation and separation in our society is not OK,” Craik said to applause.

“These vaccine passports are not OK,” he said to more applause.

“These vaccine passports are China’s social credit system,” he said to lighter applause.

“I am not OK to a show me your papers society,” he said.

“It is not OK that our government is taking control of our families. We believe that you know what is best for your family. I can tell you what is best for mine,” Craik said to applause.

Craik said people needed their freedoms back, that people had personal responsibility to make the choices for their families and “the government needs to get out of the way,” he said to more applause.

The Carbon Tax - a progressively rising tax designed to reduce the use of fuels producing carbon dioxide to reduce and limit the amount of heat trapping gases emitted into the atmosphere - is not something the PPC will allow.

“We do not believe any amount of taxation, monies stolen from the taxpayers and hard working people of this country will have any effect on the atmosphere,” he said.

Craik took aim at gun control by stating a PPC government would “get rid of these ridiculous firearms laws.”

“We will bring back proper gun control which is none back to Canada,” he said to a lengthier applause.

“The People’s Party Of Canada is promising you nothing. We need to get this country back on tack. We need to get our economy back on track. We need to get people working. We need to let people make decisions on their own,” he said.

Craik asked everyone to mobilize and spread the word and “we cannot sit idly any longer” finishing his speech to a standing ovation.

SEE RELATED - Small Peaceful Protest Greets PPC Leader Maxime Bernier

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