City Opens On-Line Survey On Budget And Transit
If you want to have your voice heard on the issues of the upcoming 2022 Operating and Capital Budgets as well as Moose Jaw Transit (something that is presently under review) the City of Moose Jaw wants to remind you of their on-line survey of these two important issues. You have until September 26th at 11:59 pm to respond.
“In just a few months City Council will deliberate and determine the 2022 Operating and Capital Budgets, and we look forward to providing feedback regarding the priorities of Moose Jaw taxpayers,” explained Jim Puffalt, City Manager said in a release.
Additionally the City is reviewing the heavily subsidized Transit system to provide not only better service but rationalize the routes and amount of service offerings to best fit the ridership needs within the budget framework.
Screenshot of opening page of the Budget/Transit survey - MJ Independent photo
“This year the City is also undergoing a review of our Transit operations,” Puffalt added, “and the survey includes multiple questions aimed at determining how to operate an efficient, effective service that caters to the needs of our residents.”
The survey will be open until Sunday, September 26 at 11:59 p.m. and can be found by clicking here. You can also access the survey with the links on the home page of the City’s website,, and the free City of Moose Jaw app.
The survey should take up to 15 minutes to complete.