Sask PolyTech Moves To Require Staff, Students and Visitors To Be Fully Vaccinated
Making a move which follows the lead of the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Regina the decision has been made that all students, staff and visitors to the four Sask Polytechnic campuses are now required to be fully vaccinated against COVID - 19.
In a Facebook posting Sask Polytech released the following:
“Saskatchewan Polytechnic takes the health, safety and wellbeing of students, faculty and staff very seriously, and has been actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation. In light of the emergence of the Delta variant, Sask Polytech requires students, employees and visitors on campus to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19,” the Facebook posting read.
Screenshot of Sask Polytechnic’s full vaccination Facebook announcement - source Facebook
The announcement does not say how Sask Polytechnic will enforce the policy. The issuance and use of vaccine passports - to show that a person has been fully vaccinated against COVID - 19 has been controversial.
Response to the announcement of the SaskPolytechnic Facebook announcement was opposed with at least one individual named Sene Krae, who claimed she was a student, stating the move means she cannot complete her studies.
Due to the lateness in the day of the policy release nobody was available from Sask Polytechnic for a response.
It is unknown as to when the policy comes into effect.
Click here for the link to the Sask Polytechnic Facebook posting.