Mosaic Place Receives Key Cleaning Industry Accreditation Against Biorisks

With anticipation that the end of the tunnel is looming in the COVID - 19 pandemic Mosaic Place has taken steps to ensure when patrons do return to the facilities proper cleaning procedures are in place.

Mosaic Place has just announced they have now received Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC) Star accreditation.

GBAC Star accreditation is an in-depth third party cleaning accreditation specifically designed to limit the threat or risks of catching infectious agents through work practices, protocols, procedures and systems.

According to GBAC’s website “The GBAC STAR Accreditation Program is performance-based and designed to help facilities establish a comprehensive system of cleaning, disinfection, and infectious disease prevention for their staff and their building. The program relies on GBAC’s comprehensive training, which teaches the proper protocols, correct disinfection techniques, and cleaning best practices for biohazard situations like the novel coronavirus.”

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Both facilities have now adopted the GBAC’s system designed to stop the spread of infectious agents.

“For us it is imperative to pro-actively plan our approach we look to welcoming fans back to the venue,” Ryan MacIvor, district manager for Spectra Venue Management said in a statement. “Ensuring the safety of our guests and staff is paramount moving forward, which is why we made haste in achieving our GBAC accreditation.”

“Its important that when Mosaic Place reopens to fans the right protocols and procedures are in place,” Mayor Fraser Tolmie said.

In order to receive the accreditation Mosaic Place had to ensure the implementation of protocols across 20 program elements with specific performance and guidance criteria from the GBAC.

“By taking this important step to pursue GBAC STAR, Mosaic Place has received third party validation that it follows strict protocols for biorisk situations, thereby demonstrating its preparedness and commitment to operate safely,” Patricia Olinger, GBAC’s executive director said.

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