COVID - 19 Vaccine Eligibility Drops To Age 23 And Older

At 8 am tomorrow, May 14th, the age of eligibility to be vaccinated for COVID - 19 moves to those who are 23 years of age and older.

The drop in age allows those who are 23 and over to make appointments and be vaccinated as well as participate in walk-in and drive-thru vaccination clinics which are open to them.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority has also changed their appointment booking system to hold the appointment selected for five minutes to allow a person to finish filling out the on-line form without losing their appointment.

In the past the appointment booking system would often have someone selecting an appointment time to only have the appointment claimed by someone else who finished filling out the on-line form first.

There are exceptions to age of eligibility based upon a person’s health condition and if they are a member of a front-line essential occupation as included in the following list by clicking here.

It needs to be noted at the present time demand for the vaccine is higher than the supply of the vaccine.

Additionally if you are making an appointment the Saskatchewan Heath Authority advises it is quicker to do so on-line,. To book an appointment on-line click here .

For information on booking your vaccination appointment through a local pharmacy you may click here .

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