SHA Says Residents May Be Vaccinated Anywhere In The Province

The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) is advising residents that of today there are approximately 10,000 vaccination appointments available to all resident 40+ across the province. The appointments are open and available to all eligible Saskatchewan residents. But there is a catch.

The SHA does not want those travelling to other communities to be vaccinated to turn the trip into vaccination tourism.

In a release the SHA said “ Residents – including those in Regina and surrounding communities – may travel to a community outside of their own to attend an immunization clinic, but are advised to not make any other stops or visits aside from the immunization clinic.”

Although free and legal to do so the SHA is asking people not to make other stops in other communities so as not to further spread the virus which causes COVID - 19. The SHA would like those travelling to other communities to enjoy the scenery while driving to an out of town vaccination clinic and not make any stops other than being vaccinated.

At 8 am tomorrow, April 30th, eligibility to book an appointment - both on-line or by the telephone - for immunization against COVID - 19 will be available to those 40 years of age and older. Residents of the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District eligibility will remain at age 30 and older.

For a selected group of frontline workers and professionals the 40 and over age eligibility restriction is also removed effective tomorrow at 8 am.

To view the rules for this group read our story - Wide Array Of Frontline Professional Groups Under 40 Eligible For Vaccine Tomorrow

This applies to all immunization clinics: booked appointments, drive-thru/walk-in, mobile, and pharmacy.

Approximately 10,000 appointments are currently available throughout the province for booked appointments at SHA clinics, in addition to pharmacy appointments, and drive-thru and walk-in clinics. Pharmacy immunization details can be found at

The SHA would like to remind residents that clinic availability is based on vaccine availability, and demand for appointments outweighs the current supply.

When age eligibility opens to a younger group appointments fill up fast, particularly in urban centres like Regina and Saskatoon.

Please note that travel restrictions related to the increase of variants of concern do not apply to essential medical appointments, such as immunization. 

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