March 16th Exhibition Briefs


An offer to rent the north half of the Convention Centre by the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) was income the Moose Jaw Exhibition Company could not turn down. The SHA has asked about renting the northern half as they presently rent the south half of the facility as their main vaccination clinic location in the city.

The clinic has been idled recently because they are out completing the vaccination of seniors living in care homes within the community. Additionally vaccine throughout the province has been sent (“re-directed”) to Regina in an attempt to vaccinate as many people as possible to stop the spread of COVID - 19 variants in the Queen City, the board heard.

At their regular monthly meeting the board voted unanimously to delay their annual general meeting from April to May because the amount of rent paid by the SHA made it attractive to do so.

The board made the decision saying that if need be they could set up an alternative venue either on or off of the Exhibition Grounds.

The decision had to be made whether to make the rental early as under their bylaws the Exhibition must have a public notice in the local newspaper 21 days in advance of the AGM.

The AGM is now scheduled for May 18th at a location yet to be determined.


The COVID - 19 pandemic has lead to a couple of horse shows cancelling.

The Arabian and Quarter Horse shows were cancelled by their respective organizations largely because of the inability to bring in American judges to adjudicate the events.

“Arabian and quarter horse cancelled due to the difficulties in bringing in American judges….they really like the American judges,” general manager George Fowler said.

At the present time crossing the US - Canadian border is possible for Americans by air but there are stringent and expensive requirements - testing before and after arrival and an expensive two week quarantine - before they are allowed to attend a horse show.


Any hope of holding indoor grad functions have been officially kaput after a conference call with the Province. The reason is the COVID - 19 restrictions.

Fowler said he had asked the question if the scheduled grads could proceed and was told “I am going to make this real easy for you George but you are not going to have them.”

He said he had contacted the school principals who told Fowler they had already cancelled the indoor grads but were working towards having an outdoor grad potentially making use of the football field.


The board approved a motion to rescind a previous motion to not allow horses from new owners to be boarded at the Exhibition Grounds.

As part of their COVID - 19 precautions there has been no new horse boardings allowed in an effort to keep a consistent bubble of people using and renting facilities.

With some horses now leaving to be put out to pasture for months as Winter quickly ends there are now long term vacancies which under the previous policy would remain vacant for months.

The Exhibition Company will now allow new horse boarding on an individual basis based upon Administration’s recommendation.

moose jaw