City Set To Commence Residential Plowing

Snow and warmer weather has led to ruts deeper than four on some Moose Jaw streets and the City is about to go out and rectify the problem.

Starting February 4th the City will commence residential plowing.

“Over the last few days our crews have been addressing problematic residential roads where ruts were four inches or deeper, which is the threshold in our Winter Maintenance Policy,” Darrin Stephanson, Director of Public Works & Utilities said in a statement. “It is a city-wide issue and beginning February 4 we will start a shallow plow to remove ruts on all residential roads that require it in Moose Jaw.”

The City requests that motorists remove their vehicles parked on residential streets when the plows are in operation. The plowing schedule will be available on the City’s website (, their social media accounts (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) and on the City of Moose Jaw app.

Removing vehicles from the street during the plowing makes the operation safer and more efficient.

It will take approximately four weeks to plow the City’s residential streets.

moose jaw