Chief Answers Question About New COVID Cops

Big media reports that there will soon be special constables out enforcing the latest provincial COVID - 19 mandates drew some questions at Tuesday’s meeting of the Moose Jaw Board of Police Commissioners.

In a response to Commissioner’s Mary Lee Booth’s question about what he knew about the Province’s new COVID - 19 enforcement unit Police Chief Rick Bourassa gave a brief overview.

According to Chief Bourassa the new special constable unit will be the frontline spearhead enforcing the Province’s pandemic mandates and it will no longer be police forces like the Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS). The MJPS will take a support role and get involved if requested by the enforcement unit.

“The Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency has engaged I believe for the most part retired police officers to be the responders to the violations of the public health order. As well as the public health inspectors have responsibilities for that throughout the province,” he said.

“As opposed to last year the police were pretty much the frontline enforcers of the public health order. And this year it has moved over to those other agencies with us for support. We will always support if there are indications of violence or anything like that we will be there.”

“I don’t know how large it is but there is a group and they are digging around the province,” Chief Bourassa said.

The new public health order mandate enforcement unit will focus not only enforcement and fines but also to educate businesses and individuals what their responsibilities are under the latest public health orders.

Chief Bourassa said he did not know for sure what part of the provincial government the unit is working under but the new unit will take over the enforcement of the public health orders.

The new unit was announced on October 15th.

“These personnel will not be conducting inspections but will assist in responding to complaints of non-compliance with Public Health Orders. Once complaints are substantiated through investigation, members of this team may use their discretion to determine if a ticket will be issued or if education is enough to ensure that people are following the PHOs,” the release stated.

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