Ten Questions With Wayne Watermanuk

To help people decipher the Mayor’s race MJ Independent has plans to feature any of the 10 candidates at least once in our publication.

Today we feature Wayne Watermanuk.

1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself personally?

I was born and raised here in Moose Jaw ,grew up on south hill, attended Westmount, Empire and Peacock schools.

Growing up I had 2 paper routes on south hill, held various jobs in the city, and later went on to help Dad run the family business ( S&S Rad and Welding) for 25 years.

I am currently employed with South Sask Bus Lines and Wrapture Limo service. I have a wonderful wife, 2 children, 3 stepsons ,a stepdaughter and 11 grandkids.

2. Was there one event or series of events which made you decide to run for Mayor? Can you describe them?

There have been a few events prompting me to run for mayor. I have had friends telling me for years to run.

The big kicker for me to run was the LIP for the cast iron replacement ,at that time a couple councilors, a MP, and former mayor encouraged me to run for council or Mayor.

The current debates about the Coteau St bridge and possibility of spending another couple million dollars into 4th Ave bridge just to close it in a few years have reignited the desire to run and try to make positive changes. We need these bridges, and we need a 16th Ave crossing as well.

3. What do you see as the main issues facing Moose Jaw and how would you fix them?

There are many issues facing the city, in my opinion the main ones are:

Watermain replacement ( this should have been started way sooner than it was) I would continue to see that the cast iron mains are replaced and possibly accelerate it a bit.

The roads and sidewalks NEED attention ( we are a tourist town and everyone I talk to agrees) the roads and sidewalks in certain areas are TERRIBLE ( and embarrassing) I would find ways to get roads paved ( not patched 20 times) , I would ensure that any road scheduled for repaving would first have water and sewer lines upgraded ( nothing like repaving a road and then dig it up a month later)

Our bridges need attention I would look at restoring/replacing the Coteau St. east bridge, I would like to see a 16th or 17th Ave west crossing, ( we need the access with all the development and new school on south hill)

After we have another crossing ,we should then shut down 4th Ave bridge and rebuild it.

4. One issue you have identified is the potential widening of narrow streets in the Avenues. In the past few years Administration floated the idea of paying for this widening with an LIP and have homeowners pay.

Given student/staff from Sask Poly park on the streets and would likely be a major reason for the widening do you think this is fair?

How would you personally finance any potential street widening and where would you find the funds?

I would work on widening the narrow avenues by widening them as we replace the cast iron lines, No point widening a street, and then dig it up to replace water mains.

Having lived on the avenues, and dealing with one sided parking ( for emergency vehicles to get through, while nothing happened with other narrow avenues). The one sided parking was a waste of taxpayers dollars.

In my opinion the only reason some avenues were done was so the city could do curbside pick up and force SIAST students to pay for parking in their lot.

Let's face it do emergency vehicles not have to get down Chestnut Ave or Willow Ave? Why did one sided parking not take effect there?

The funding for the widening would ideally come from the cast iron replacement charge that is added to our water bill.

5. When was the last time you attended a City Council meeting?

The last council meeting I attended was involving the LIP for the cast iron replacement, I have tuned into the odd meeting since then,I try to keep up with what is going on.

6. What is your strong point?

My strong point would be listening to people and doing things with logic and common sense

7. Conversely what is your weak point?

My weak point would be speaking in front of large crowds.

8. A main issue which Council has to deal with is a sense the City is conducting too much business in-camera or in secret. Some things such as legal, land and personnel must be conducted in private while other matters could be discussed in public.

Do you agree? If so how would you help to increase transparency - where permitted - at Council and Executive Committee meetings?

I have noticed a lot more behind closed door meetings and personally I feel there is very little need for them.

The citizens of Moose Jaw deserve to know what is going on and have their say. I understand some issues need to be discussed in closed meetings but on the other hand people have a right to know.

I would try to have as much transparency as possible.

9. Do you have any concerns about the hours or sacrifice necessary to be Mayor? Is the remuneration too little, just right or too much in your opinion?

I don't really have any concerns about the hours. I know there will be some sacrifices and personally, I think the remuneration is a bit high, and would look at a slight reduction if I was elected.

10. Do you have anything else to add?

Nothing really to add.. Just please think carefully before you vote and make sure you have your say Nov 3rd

moose jaw