Ten Questions With Sam Morrison

To help people decipher the Mayor’s race MJ Independent has plans to feature any of the 10 candidates at least once in our publication.

Today we feature Sam Morrison.

1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself personally?

I'm 57 years old, have 2 grown children & 4 grandkids ranging from 9 to 16.

I've always had some kind of job from odd jobs helping at school to paper routes to my first full time job washing dishes at 14.

At 16 I started working in a garage & continued that for 40 years, owning my own business for 13 years. I've had other small business ventures, sold many cars & had rental houses for over 10 years.

I've lived in 6 provinces & settled in Moose Jaw in 1983. I did slip away to saskatoon for a few years in the 90s to try some different career opportunities but returned in 1998.

2. Was there one event or series of events which made you decide to run for Mayor? Can you describe them?

I've long wanted to serve on the city council to do my part but wasn't willing while I had my business. I recently sold my business, so at the constant prodding of many friends, I decided this would be a good time to serve rather than wait til I was too busy with the next venture.

3. What do you see as the main issues facing Moose Jaw and how would you fix them?

I believe it's important to maintain the water main replacement & never let infrastructure get swept under the rug again.

The roads & bridges will always need attention & i would like to keep up with those repairs & hope technology improves with time.

The increase in theft has been of much concern.

These crimes are a violation of our property & well being. They do have a lasting effect.

I believe these crimes are a byproduct of the illegal drug problems. They Need to be addressed at all levels from the police to medical & mental health professionals.

4. You recently sold your small business, can you tell us what was your motto for being in business and do you plan to bring that to Council?

In business It was important to listen to the client & address their particular concern. Communication was key between the client & the people in the shop doing the diagnoses & the repair. We also had a policy of doing a visual inspection for safety sake & advising accordingly. The intent was to work in good faith & retain trust.

5. When was the last time you attended a City Council meeting?

I last attended a council meeting during the muliplex planning. I've watched some meetings online.

6. What is your strong point?

My strong point is simply showing up & getting to work. I'm not afraid to seek help or advice when required.

7. Conversely what is your weak point?

My weak point would definitely be public speaking. Not a big fan but I hope to improve.

8. A main issue which Council has to deal with is a sense the City is conducting too much business in-camera or in secret. Some things such as legal, land and personnel must be conducted in private while other matters could be discussed in public.
Do you agree? If so how would you help to increase transparency - where permitted - at Council and Executive Committee meetings?

There will always be matters that must remain confidential. I would ensure that we go in camera only when required.

9. Do you have any concerns about the hours or sacrifice necessary to be Mayor? Is the remuneration too little, just right or too much in your opinion?

I'm not too worried about the hours. I had 1 week off last August. That was my first vacation in 8 years. Small business owners are the last to get paid so the remuneration is satisfactory in my opinion

10. Do you have anything else to add?

I am very excited & nervous about this oppurtunity to serve my city. I am also very humbled by the great support i've recieved from so many people with my campaign. Everyone please get out & vote. It's your right that was fought for.

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