Fundraiser Kicked Off To Help Local Organizations' Work With The Most Vulnerable

With the headlines dominated by the statistics of the COVID - 19 pandemic a local group has partnered with some heavy hitters to help reduce the social impact the pandemic has had on Moose Jaw.

With the assistance of the United Way of Regina and the City of Moose Jaw a public call has been put out for donations to assist local Moose Jaw community organizations continue their work, which has often been made more difficult, by the pandemic.

Although the donations are being requested by the City of Moose Jaw and the United Way of Regina ALL contributions collected in Moose Jaw will REMAIN IN Moose Jaw to assist local organizations deliver their essential services during the pandemic. Services which contribute to the overall social fabric of Moose Jaw.

Through the needs identified by the Moose Jaw COVID Community Response Committee funds, as they become available, will be distributed to Moose Jaw community organizations to continue their vital work and services where it is needed the most during the pandemic.

As donated funds become available, United Way and The City of Moose Jaw will work with the Moose Jaw COVID Community Response Committee to invest in:

• Basic needs – ensure people have access to life’s essentials, such as food;

• Help for Seniors – to support those who are already vulnerable as they are isolated;

• Mental health support – enable crisis lines and system navigation services;

• Capacity for community services – ensure that community partners and initiatives can continue vital local work; and,

• Support for Volunteers – engage and deploy volunteers where they are most needed

“Individuals and families in the Moose Jaw community are facing very significant challenges related to the pandemic. Some are having struggles with meeting their basic needs such as food and housing. Others are struggling with mental health issues or domestic violence. We, the Community Response Committee, are concerned about the effect of COVID-19 on the very young, our senior population, and marginalized people. We are grateful for the support of the community and United Way for helping us help our community,” Christine Boyczuk, Chair of the Moose Jaw COVID Community Response Committee said in a statement.

Local organizations have applauded the formation of the fund and the efforts it will assist to help ensure vital services can continue to do their work within the community.

“On behalf of the Partners Against Violence Committee in Moose Jaw we couldn’t be more grateful for the creation of the Moose Jaw Community Response Fund. As an interagency committee, we know from our members how difficult Covid-19 has been for our front-line agencies, and how much of an impact these funds can have in supporting vulnerable people through these difficult times,” Jenn Angus, Chairperson, Partners Against Violence said.

According to the United Way of Regina’s web-site the United Way has been involved in Moose Jaw, Swift Current, Weyburn and Regina helping in three key areas - food security, mental health and childhood success - working towards solutions in lasting local change for the communities involved.

The past year has been a difficult one for numerous community organizations, many who had to cancel various fundraising events essential to funding their programs and 2021 by all appearances appears to be a repeat so the need is there and they are reaching out to the community to help those in the community who need the help the most.

“This is a critical moment for every community; we need to stand together and work collaboratively – both in how we deliver programs and how we invest community donations. We are asking those who have the ability to give, and would like to donate, to contribute to the Community Response Fund managed in partnership with the Moose Jaw COVID Community Response Committee and United Way Regina. The fund will assist in streamlining community resources to the most vulnerable and immediate needs in Moose Jaw and area,” Stacey Schwartz of United Way Regina said in a statement.

The group has already met with Mayor Fraser Tolmie who has likewise put out the call for those in the community who are able to help in the fundraising effort.

Mayor Tolmie has called for the community to support the fundraising effort to assist local non-profits in their work.

“We ask Moose Javians to remember that all money raised in Moose Jaw for the Community Response Fund will stay in Moose Jaw, helping those most in need during this difficult time. This initiative will streamline funds to those non-profit organizations that are delivering vital services to our residents amidst this pandemic,” Mayor Tolmie said.

Greg Lawrence MLA for Moose Jaw - Wakamow supports the initiative.

“I am proud of the displays of thoughtfulness and generosity we have witnessed in our community throughout this pandemic and commend United Way for its initiative as we work together to support and meet the needs of those most vulnerable in our community,” Lawrence said.

For those interested in donating you may do so by clicking the link.

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