Admin Set To Advise Issuing Credits To Ticket Rocket's Victims

If you are looking for a refund from Ticket Rocket or from the City of Moose Jaw you are likely not to be receiving one. But on Tuesday the City is set to make an offer for an equivalent credit at an upcoming concert or hockey game.

In a report to be presented to Council on Tuesday evening Administration is recommending the City give anyone who can prove they have tickets and are willing to sign an affidavit they were unable to receive a refund then that ticket purchaser will receive a credit of an equal value to an upcoming concert or a hockey game.

In the report Administration admits “at this time, we do not believe that Ticket Rocket intends to issue the Refunds.”

The reasoning for giving the credit is not because the City has a legal obligation to pay refunds but a moral one the report states.

“However, in this circumstance, it is believed that there is a moral obligation owed by City to the ticket holders,” Adminstration tells Council in the report.

The report also states there is extra seats at events and the impact will be lessened by filling the seats.

Numerous people have told MJ Independent that the actions and inactions of Mosaic Place and the City make them liable to pay the refunds. Many also said if they were not compensated they were unlikely to ever attend an event an event at Mosaic Place in the future.

Council will hear the report and make their decision on Tuedsay evening.

The reason why the City is offering the credit is the former ticketing agent for Mosaic Place, Ticket Rocket, has not provided the promised refunds for two concerts and three Moose Jaw Warriors hockey games which were cancelled due to COVID - 19. Ticket Rocket has ran into serious financial difficulties in New Zealand with at least one criminal investigation underway there for not providing the refunds.

The concerts which were cancelled and Ticket Rocket did not provide refunds were ZZ Top on May 10th and the High Valley Concert on May 28th.

There is still time to contact council members over the long weekend for anyone wishing to express their concerns on this issue. Their contact information is on the City’s webpage and may be found by clicking here.

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