Reader Asks Questions About SaskTel Towers

To help readers understand some of the stories and things going on out there we periodically run reader’s questions that are sometimes serious and sometimes quirky and off-beat. But answers which are of interest to know.

In questions related to our story “Two Local Areas To See Better Service With New Cell Towers Announced” we were asked two questions - What is a macro tower and is this 5G?

To get the answers we contacted SaskTel and received the response to the following questions and answers.

  1. Briefly what is a macro tower exactly?

A macro tower is a rather tall cell tower. All of the towers that SaskTel announced earlier this week are approximately 107 metres in height.  

2. Is this 5G?

Although 5G is possibility in the future, all of the towers announced earlier this week will deliver 4G LTE cellular service when they are first put into service.

So hopefully this answers the questions.

If you have any questions you would like answered just drop us a line at .

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