High Street Work Takes Major Strides In Phase Five
A major street re-opening and starting excavation work on an adjacent street are two of the accomplishments in Phase Five of the Cast Iron Water Main Replacement Program this past week.
Weather was not a factor in the project.
During the replacement program area businesses remain open.
High Street West - 0 - 200 Blocks
The most noticeable change was the re-opening of the 100 and 200 blocks of High Street W to traffic on Friday.
A one day breakdown of the asphalt plant along with the decision to paint traffic lines and not just lane markers (so as not to have to close the street later) led to the re-opening delayed until Friday.
The project had been delayed after Council approved aesthetic upgrades including a plantable centre median. The aesthetic upgrades were approved because they fit the Official Community Plan.
The seeming delays and communication problems between the City and affected businesses came up in an on-line meeting of members of the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce. The City apologized and said they would rectify the problems.
Looking west down the 100 Block of High Street W - MJ Independent photo
Another highlight was with the completion of the 100 and 200 blocks of High St W work began on paving the 0 block.
Late Friday afternoon paving was completed on the north or westbound lanes of the 0 block.
Paving commenced late Friday afternoon on the westbound lanes of the 0 Block of High Street West - MJ Independent photo
Second Avenue NW
Excavation work commenced on the north side of the High Street W. Work will continue to Fairford Street West.
Work continues on the south side of High St W to Manitoba Street West.
Second Avenue NW looking north from High Street West - MJ Independent photo
Second Avenue NW looking south from High Street West - MJ Independent photo
Fairford Street East - 0 - 200 Blocks
Work continued in this portion of the project with cement repairs completed on the southern sidewalk on the 0 block.
Forms have been installed for a new curb and gutter on the northwest corner of the Fairford St E and Langdon Crescent intersection.
New bricks are on-site to finish the sidewalk surface.
Paving is set to start the week of August 24th once the excavation work is compacted and aesthetic enhancements are completed.
No timeline was released as to when the work is expected to be completed.
A look west on Fairford Street East from Langdon Crescent - MJ Independent photo
Stadacona Street East 600 - 800 Blocks
Heavy excavation continues on this section as service connections to homes have been completed on the 600 block.
Old cast iron watermain pipe is piled up for removal on Stadacona Street East - MJ Independent photo
Trenching continues on the 700 Block whereas backfilling is underway on the 600 Block.
Trenching is underway on the 700 block of Stadacona Street East - MJ Independent photo
Backfilling and compaction work is underway on the 600 Block of Stadacona Street East - MJ Independent photo
The street remains closed from the 600 to 800 blocks with the intersection at Stadacona St W and 7th Ave NE closed to traffic.
Residences are on temporary water.