Construction Zones Force Temporary Road Closures

With Summer there are various road closures throughout the city to facilitate repair work on what are major roadways.

Main Street North is closed from Town and Country Drive to Thatcher Drive - MJ Independent photo

Main Street North is closed from Town and Country Drive to Thatcher Drive - MJ Independent photo

The first major road closure is on Main Street North at the intersection of Town and Country Drive.

The roadway as well as the sidewalk is closed for approximately ten days to allow the repair of the CN rail crossing.

Even the sidewalk for pedestrian and cyclists is closed - MJ Independent photo

Even the sidewalk for pedestrian and cyclists is closed - MJ Independent photo

The crossing has been a major concern for motorists for years as it has been the location of continual repairs.

The City is not just repaving the roadway but additionally they are fixing drainage and catch basins in the area to hopefully effect a long term solution.

CN is replacing a section of track while the crossing is repaired - MJ Independent photo

CN is replacing a section of track while the crossing is repaired - MJ Independent photo

A section of as been removed by CN for replacement just west of the crossing - MJ Independent photo

A section of as been removed by CN for replacement just west of the crossing - MJ Independent photo

Rails set to be replaced - MJ Independent photo

Rails set to be replaced - MJ Independent photo

Phase Five of Cast Iron Water Main Replacement had the intersection of Main Street N and High Street set to close into the week of July 13th weather permitting.

Although it was busy on Friday the intersection of Main Street N and High Street is closed to facilitate work - MJ Independent photo

Although it was busy on Friday the intersection of Main Street N and High Street is closed to facilitate work - MJ Independent photo

Work continues on the 0 block of High Street West - MJ Independent photo

Work continues on the 0 block of High Street West - MJ Independent photo

A third area closed as part of Phase Five of the Cast Iron Water Main Replacement Program is Fairford Street East from Main Street to the Phyllis Dewar Pool.

A packer at work on the 0 block of Fairford Street East - MJ Independent photo

A packer at work on the 0 block of Fairford Street East - MJ Independent photo

A small Cat working on the 0 block of Fairford Street East - MJ Independent photo

A small Cat working on the 0 block of Fairford Street East - MJ Independent photo

Construction was idle on Canada Day on the 0 block of Fairford Street East - MJ Independent file photo

Construction was idle on Canada Day on the 0 block of Fairford Street East - MJ Independent file photo

moose jaw