Home Sales And Values Rebound In June

After a drop in Moose Jaw to only 29 home sales in April due to COVID - 19 pandemic home sales in June were the highest they have been in the previous 12 months.

In June 69 homes were sold in June which the Saskatchewan Realtors Association (SRA) said is proof that the housing market is recovering throughout the province after the COVID - 19 restrictions were lifted.

Compared to June 2019 percentage wise sales were up by 32.7 percent with the average selling price rising in June 2020 to $220,000 or an 11.4 percent increase versus June 2019.

The dollar volume was $16.1 million in June 2020 or $40.5 percent higher than June 2019.

The only statistic which declined in June 2020 versus June 2019 is there was a reduction in the number of new listting by 7 percent. In June 2020 there were 93 homes listed for sale.

The SRA said the staged approach to restarting the provincial economy helps to increase stability in the marketplace by reducung the risk of spreading and contracting COVID - 19. This reduced risk helps prevent panic and the resultant instability into the housing market.

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