What City Services Are Operating On Monday

By Submitted

The City of Moose Jaw offers the following reminders about City facilities and services for the Victoria Day weekend: All City facilities remain closed to the public due to COVID-19, and all City departments are closed Victoria Day, May 18.

There are several online payment options available via www.MooseJaw.ca and payments can be dropped in the City Hall mail slot at any time.

Transit: No service May 18.

Waste Collection: Zone 2 (as scheduled)

Recycling Collection: No collection as per regular schedule.

Sanitary Landfill: Free Yard Waste Weekend May 16-18.

Free disposal for organic yard waste (leaves, grass clippings and branches no larger than one inch in diameter). Please use clear or orange bags for your organic waste.

The City supports safe outdoor activity and offers these reminders:

  • Parks and trails remain open for enjoyment, but physical distancing must be practiced.

  • Stay two metres apart at all times unless with family or people you live with.

  • Avoid touching shared public surfaces like benches and railings and be sure to wash your hands as soon as you return home.

  • Playground structures are closed.

  • or under, as per the City’s Traffic Bylaw.

  • Please continue to place litter in the garbage bins placed along City trails and in our park spaces.

  • Also, please pick up after your dog. The City appreciates all efforts made to keep our City clean and beautiful.

  • For further information on City services and operations affected by COVID-19, visit www.MooseJaw.ca/coronavirus and download the City’s Request For Service app to report an issue and receive notifications when updates occur.

moose jaw