City Enacts Further Operational Changes
With the rapidly changing Covid - 19 situation the City has made further operational changes in order to potentially limit the spread of the coronavirus.
The City has enacted the following changes:
Effective immediately, the City asks residents to avoid use of all playground equipment.
The City advises that the equipment is not sanitized and signs will be installed at all City playgrounds reminding residents to stay off the equipment. Park spaces, dog parks and trails remain open to the public but social distancing practices should be practiced at all times. Please ensure you maintain two metres of personal space when venturing outdoors.
A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found Covid - 19 could remain viable for days on some surfaces especially metal. Regular cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces is the best defence.
The City reminds residents that there are many outdoor activities that can be enjoyed in your back yard such as making your own playground, sandbox or obstacle course, playing sports like soccer, baseball or lacrosse, or doing chalk drawings and rock paintings.
The Province issued a warning on Monday for residents to not go to public playgrounds.
The Province issued warnings about touching commonly shared surfaces like crosswalk buttons and metals on Monday - MJ Independent file photo
To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission the City asks residents to use either debit or credit card at the City Landfill until further notice. Debit and credit card transactions are offered up to a maximum of $750.00. Additionally, effective April 1 the hours of operation at the Landfill will switch to 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. daily.
After years of cash only the landfill will from now accept debit or credit only due to Covid - 19 - MJ Independent file photo
Effective immediately, any passenger calling Paratransit to request a ride will be asked a series of assessment questions provided by the Saskatchewan Health Authority to determine the passenger's well- being. The City may deny service if the passenger exhibits COVID-19 symptoms.