Number of Covid - 19 Cases Increases Again

The number of confirmed or presumptive cases on Covid - 19 continues to grow in Saskatchewan as eight new cases were added on Sunday.

This brings the provincial total to 52 with 33 confirmed and 19 presumptive.

The majority of people infected are males at 62 percent and females at 32 percent.

To date 4,536 Covid - 19 tests have been performed at the Roy Romano Provincial Laboratory.

The government tightened its measures to stop the spread of Covid - 19 on Friday by taking action to immediatley close bars, night clubs amongst others. Further restricitons kick in on Monday.

SEE RELATED - Province Tightens Restrictions

Saskatoon leads the way with 21 cases - 17 confirmed and four presumptive.

The southern region which includes Moose Jaw now has five cases - three confirmed and two presumptive.

In reaction to the pandemic the Town of Gravelbourg on Saturday declared a local State of Emergency taking the precautionary measure of closing all of its businesses to public entry excepting gas stations. Closed businesses can still continue to operate but through phone orders and delivery.

Asked by MJ Independent about the possibility of closing certain businesses within Moose Jaw at last Thursday afternoon’s press conference Mayor Fraser Tolmie deferred the move to the Province.

COVID-19 Information OnlinesResidents can go to for the latest information reorganized to make it easy for residents to find what they need.  It includes information on travel guidance and preventative measures as well as information for care providers.

Unsure of your symptoms?

Visit and use the self-assessment tool to determine if you should contact HealthLine 811.

Note that any use of the former URL will redirect residents to the new site.  Public inquiries may be directed to

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