Coffee With A Cop On March 18th

If you ever wanted to meet some of the members of the Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS) in a relaxed and non-threatening atmosphere then mark March 18th at 9 am on your calendar.

As part of their mission of inclusion and to be an active participant within and to serve the community Moose Jaw Families For Change (MJFFC) is offering an open house with members of the MJPS.

The public open house will be held at the Kinsmen Café located at 431 4th Avenue SW.

“It's a come and go opportunity for individuals to come and ask your questions you might have for officers in the community,” Katie Statler community coordinator for MJFFC. 

The informal drop in will not have an agenda or a formal presentation but is just an informal meet and greet opportunity with officers and a chance to ask your questions. 

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“It’s a great opportunity to clear up any questions about any law and getting to know some of the police officers,” Statler said. “It is also a good chance for kids to come and meet the officers.”

Asked about how a meet and greet ties into the inclusion philosophy and mission of MJFFC Statler said they try to connect with other groups in the community and is a great way for MJFFC to be involved with the community.

“It’s a great opportunity for people to come and check the café out if you have not been to the café before and come out and meet our police officers,” she said.

MJFFC is a local non-profit group which provides residential, social, vocational and education supports for people with varying abilities. 

The Kinsmen Café is a business operated by MJFFC and was started after a need was identified when people with disabilities said they always dreamed about having a job but could never find one so they made their own jobs by opening the café. 

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