How To Vote At City Hall Today (Friday)

If you thought voting was over yesterday (Thursday) at City Hall you would be wrong.

If you are fearing the forecast snow storm as taking away your access to voting there is a way of casting your ballot today.

Despite the advance polls being closed you can still vote at City Hall by making use of a mail in ballot.

And there is virtually no waiting time at all.

To vote at City Hall today you have to go up to the City Clerk’s office on the second floor and request a mail in ballot.

Due to the fact the mail will not reach City Hall in time you may cast your ballot right away at City Hall up until the polls close at 4:45 pm.

All ballots go into the mail in ballot box and will be counted as such on Monday evening after the polls close.

You may request your mail in ballot by 4:45 pm today although be forewarned City Hall officially closes its doors at 4 pm.

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