Second Case Of COVID - 19 Found In A Moose Jaw School

For a second time within a week parents have been notified about a case of COVID - 19 detected in a school.

In a form letter sent out at approximately 4:30 pm today parents of students at Westmount Elementary School were informed someone connected with the school had tested positive for COVID - 19.

In the letter parents are told that if their child has been in close proximity of the individual who tested positive for COVID - 19 that they will be contacted by Public Health. Anyone not contacted by Public Health means their child was not in proximity of the student/staff member/volunteer who tested positive.

This is the second letter sent out to parents with a letter sent out regarding an initial case being sent out Saturday November 8th.

Anyone not contacted by Public Health should self monitor for COVID - 19 symptoms and if they experience symptoms do not attend school but contact the Healthline at 811 for further instructions.

A copy of the letter is below.

Westmount Letter-of-notification-Nov.-10th-2020-page-001 .jpg
moose jaw