Local Terry Fox Run Tops 2019 Total

It has been 40 years since its inception and the run was done virtually this year due to the COVID - 19 pandemic but the local Terry Fox Run managed to exceed last year’s financial total.

Ran every year the Terry Fox Run collects funds for cancer research and this year the local run raised $3520 for the Terry Fox Foundation an increase of $300 from 2019 when the run raised 3197.05.

The volunteer run Terry Fox Foundation invests 79 cents of each dollar raised to cancer research in the hope of finding a cure. In the past the funds have helped drive promising research leading to new discoveries in the fight against cancer.

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“I’m blown away by the generosity of Moose Javians,” Craig Hemingway, Organizer of the Moose Jaw Terry Fox Run said in a statement. “It is a fitting tribute to Terry Fox’s legacy that on the 40th anniversary of his Marathon of Hope, Moose Javians overcame some obstacles and raised the bar in terms of fundraising.”

In 1980 the 22 year old Fox, despite having a leg amputated due to cancer began a run across Canada from Newfoundland to raise funds and money for cancer research. Each day he ran the equivalent of a marathon. Ultimately cancer took Fox’s life and he never finished the run but had to quit near Thunder Bay, Ontario.

So far close to $800 million has been raised in Fox’s name for cancer research. Fox had initially set out to raise $1 from all 24 million Canadians at the time of his run.

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