Brian Martynook PSSD Trustee Candidate - Subdivision Six (Moose Jaw)

1. Why have you chosen to run for a school board trustee?

Giving back to my community has been an integral part of my life. As a parent and a grandparent, I’m passionate about providing our children with the best education possible.

2. What qualifications do you bring to the board if elected - these may include degrees etc but also life lessons as well?

As a parent and grandparent, I have firsthand knowledge and experience of the financial and operational issues facing students, educators and administrators. Having successfully completed the requirements of the Professional Director (Pro.Dir). from the University of Regina’s Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, and having been involved in overseeing and allocating multimillion dollar budgets during my many terms as a former director of the Five Hills Health Region and the Regina Airport Authority, I have the skills necessary to provide oversight and to contribute to the strategic vision of the Prairie South School Division.

3. Why should people vote for you?

I am committed to ensuring our students, educators and administrators are provided with a top tier and adequately funded school division.

4. What do you see as the biggest challenge in education today?

Sufficient funding to provide the best student outcomes possible.

5. Schools are changing with a very diverse student body - such as those of different races, languages, cultures, disabilities, sexual orientation, varying faiths, economic standing and others - how would you make the school system better so that everyone had not just the same opportunity but a fair and equitable opportunity to reach their full potential?

Students, educators and administrators must be consulted to determine their needs. A spirit of cooperation, open and honest communication and a collaborative approach will ensure that the needs of all are met, including adequate financial resources to provide safe facilities, that operational needs are adequately funded and that all students, regardless of their individual circumstances are provided with the resources they require to ensure best student outcomes.

6. What role do you see a school trustee playing in today's educational system?

I believe the role of the Trustee is to provide the oversight and duty of care required to promote the Prairie South School Division’s Mission, and Values and to contribute to the strategic vision.

7. As a trustee you are elected in a specified district but in reality you are a trustee at large and represent students throughout the division. Can you tell me if you are a rural trustee how would you represent an urban resident or on the other side of the coin if you are an urban trustee how would you represent a rural resident?

I would represent them equally. Every child, whether they reside in an urban or a rural division should be provided with all of the resources they require to ensure the best possible student outcome.

8. Moose Jaw is in the midst of building a new school on South Hill. Although it is a big accomplishment there has been concerns raised by some residents on various issues regarding the new school. Can you tell me how would you work with the community to ally those fears?

All residents have access to a process which allows their concerns to be raised and heard. Providing an open and honest path to good communication is in place, I’m confident that those types of fears and concerns will be addressed and resolved.

9. What would you like the students to say about their time at school?

First, I would like the students to say they feel safe at school. It is my hope that every student feels they are not just a student but part of a much larger community that has invested in their future success.

moose jaw