Crystal Froese PSSD Trustee Candidate - Subdivision Six (Moose Jaw)

1. Why have you chosen to run for a school board Trustee?

I am running for the Prairie South School Division #6 in Moose Jaw. What prompted me to put my name forward was the undertaking of a generational project; building a 50-million-dollar joint use school, combining 4 schools of 900 students in Moose Jaw.

2. What qualifications do you bring to the board if elected - these may include degrees etc but also life lessons as well?

My University of Regina education in Local Government Authority combined with over 15 years of experience in communications for government and business will be an asset at the Trustee table.

My husband Kirby and I built a cheese manufactory plant, Coteau Hills Creamery, here in Moose Jaw and I believe that experience will be valuable as we build a new school.

I am a past President of Business Women of Moose Jaw, recipient of the PRISM Influential Award, MJ Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year Nominee and President of the South Hill Community Association.

Having served as a City Councillor here in Moose Jaw, I have gained invaluable experience on 10 committees and navigated some of the most challenging budget cycles, from the 2017 Provincial budget cuts to adjusting to the needs of our city during a pandemic.

3. Why should people vote for you?

One of my core values is to engage with those I serve. I am ready to serve and work hard for and with our teachers and students, families and our community to strengthen our educational system and make our schools the best they can be.

4. What do you see as the biggest challenge in education today?

I have heard from teachers and families about the challenges they are facing during the pandemic. More than just a goal for education it is imperative that as we move through this challenging time together and that we are providing the best resources and tools for our students and teachers.

5. Schools are changing with a very diverse student body - such as those of different races, languages, cultures, disabilities, sexual orientation, varying faiths, economic standing and others - how would you make the school system better so that everyone had not just the same opportunity but a fair and equitable opportunity to reach their full potential?

As a Trustee we need to support our staff and teachers as they explore ways to meet the needs of a diverse classroom. Students need to have the support to learn in an environment where all are welcomed, our curriculum and programming needs to reflect that. As a Trustee we need to work with the Ministry of Education to reflect the needs we have now in the classroom.

6. What role do you see a school Trustee playing in today’s educational system?

As a school Trustee we are responsible for and represent the needs of all parents, students and teachers. We must ensure our teachers have the resources to meet the needs of children in our schools. In our role we must work collaboratively with staff, teachers and the Ministry of Education to ensure the very best education for our students.

7. As a Trustee you are elected in a specified district but in reality you are a Trustee at large and represent students throughout the division. Can you tell me if you are a rural Trustee how would you represent an urban resident or on the other side of the coin if you are an urban Trustee how would you represent a rural resident?

Issues are often shared across a division. It is important to bring solutions to the table to improve the education throughout Prairie South School Division, as we are responsible for all the students.

8. Moose Jaw is in the midst of building a new school on South Hill. Although it is a big accomplishment there has been concerns raised by some residents on various issues regarding the new school. Can you tell me how would you work with the community to ally those fears?

This is one of the key reasons why I have put my name forward for division 6. It is an exciting time to be building a brand new school in Moose Jaw. But there will be many important decisions to be made. I want to ensure we have full public engagement throughout our community. After the school is finished there will be more decisions to be made about the 4 empty schools. I believe my experience will be an asset at the Trustee table to help navigate and engage our community in these decisions.

9. What would you like the students to say about their time at school?

Moose Jaw is my hometown. I went to Westmount in kindergarten and Empire in grade 8 and graduated high school at A E Peacock. I was provided a great education by engaged teachers. Today our students and teachers are undergoing the stress that this pandemic has applied. This is not anything my generation has experienced. I want students, through this time to be supported, and the teachers to have all the resources they need so that our students can say that they were provided the best education to learn and succeed.

moose jaw