Wayne Miller PSSD Trustee Candidate Subdivison One

1. Why have you chosen to run for a school board trustee?

I have chosen to run for a school board trustee since I feel that the rural schools deserve a voice in the school board system. I live in a rural community and the students needs are different than the urban areas.

2. What qualifications do you bring to the board if elected - these may include degrees etc. but also life lessons as well?

I have raised 6 children and education-both in school learning and extra curricular activities are essential to children learning how to become future leaders in the community. I have also coached both hockey and baseball which has given me the opportunity to deal with issues that children have. Currently I am Deputy Mayor of Riverhurst, Co-Chair of Palliser Regional Park and a board member of the Palliser Co-op which has 4 locations. Volunteering is the key to any community but in particular to a small community. I am a firm believer in giving back to the community whether it be an urban community or a rural community-it is all about community and as the old saying goes “It takes a Village to raise a child”.

3. Why should people vote for you?

People should vote for me because I am a good listener as well as a good problem solver. My greatest asset is that I have common sense.

4. What do you see as the biggest challenge in education today?

The biggest challenge in education today is the lack of communication between the students, their parents, and the system.

5. Schools are changing with a very diverse student body - such as those of different races, languages, cultures, disabilities, sexual orientation, varying faiths, economic standing and others - how would you make the school system better so that everyone had not just the same opportunity but a fair and equitable opportunity to reach their full potential?

Everyone is equal and should be treated that way. My feeling is that students and/or their parents (guardians) are afraid to say anything due to perceived repercussions. I think that if the communication between all factors is made easier and there are results this will assist the students.

6. What role do you see a school trustee playing in today’s educational system?

I see the school trustee playing a role in today’s educational system as being an impartial board that can deal with conflicts, goal setting for the school/students/parents.

7. As a trustee you are elected in a specified district but in reality you are a trustee at large and represent students throughout the division. Can you tell me if you are a rural trustee how would you represent an urban resident or on the other side of the coin if you are an urban trustee how would you represent a rural resident?

Since I am running as a rural trustee but spent my school years in an urban system, I think that a school trustee is there to represent all students and parents regardless of whether they are rural or urban.

8. Moose Jaw is in the midst of building a new school on South Hill. Although it is a big accomplishment there has been concerns raised by some residents on various issues regarding the new school. Can you tell me how would you work with the community to ally those fears?

Communication and listening are important. Since the school has been approved by the Government, the benefits of the school must be communicated to the concerns raised by the community.

9. What would you like the students to say about their time at school?

I would like students to say that their time in school has been a great experience. No only did they learn from books, but they also learned discipline, time management and how to work with others-all important skills for the future. Most important that they enjoyed their time in school.

moose jaw