City Calls For Input As Part Of Consultation Process

With Council set to make the decision to ammend the Official Community Plan to allow a major upscale development in the Moose Jaw River (Wakamow) Valley the City would like your input to the proposed change.

The proposed change is being made after local developer Charles Vanden Broek applied to have the City change the zoning of 1155 7th Avernue Southwest.

In order to allow development to occur the zoning must be changed from Community Service/Parks/River Valley Conservation to Future Residential zoning.

As part of the conditions to change the Official Community Plan the City must consult with the community and they are now looking for residents’ input whether it be for or against the proposed development.

Additionally the City has sent out letters to all residences within a radius of 250 meters from the proposed development - regularly the City only requests feed back from residences within a 90 meter radius.

Public feedback is encouraged for this proposed amendment. Questions and comments may be directed to Planning and Development Services by email at or phone at 306-694-4443.

Those who want to may additionally also contact individual members of Council to voice their opinons their contact information is available on the Cty’s web-site by clicking the link here.

Written submissions to be considered by City Council must be received by Planning and Development Services, 228 Main Street North, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 3J8, by 10:00 a.m. on Monday, October 19th, 2020.

Relevant documentation, including the City’s Official Community Plan and links to videos produced by the developer, are available with the notice posted to the News & Announcements section of

moose jaw