SGI Releases August Traffic Safety Spotlight Results

Despite increased administrative penalties, fines and even jail time the police still catch hundreds of impaired drivers on Saskatchewan roads every month.

Last month the trend continued with police across Saskatchewan reporting 341 impaired driving offences – 295 drivers charged with impaired driving offences and 46 drivers issued roadside administrative suspensions.

In August SGI's Traffic Safety Spotlight targeted Impaired Driving.

On average there are between 200 – 400 drivers caught impaired on Saskatchewan roads each month.

By comparison there were 292 impaired drivers in July and another 367 drivers in June.

A similar spotlight held in 2018 resulted in 404 impaired driving offences.

Impaired driving is the top cause of fatal road crashes in Saskatchewan. Earlier this year SGI released preliminary statistics regarding motor vehicle accident fatalities in 2018.

As part of it's commitment to safety SGI advises motorists if you spot a suspected drunk driver pull over and call 9-1-1.

SGI has created an Instagram slide show to assist in identifying suspected impaired drivers and it may be viewed here.

The Traffic Safety Spotlight for September continues to be school zone safety.

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