Building Children's Self Confidence Focus Of Workshop
Laurie Davis - Submitted Photo
If you are looking for a different stragtegy and approach with youth and children when it comes to issues such as bullying, teen suicide, addiction as well as other issues facing children and youth then there is a one day workshop coming to Moose Jaw which you may want to consider attending.
Called “Ten Ways to Build Confident Children” the one day workshop will feature Laurie Davis who retired from the teaching profession after 15 years and then for the next 27 years worked on her strategy which she admits was at the time she started her program it was seen by some as a radical approach to issues facing many children.
Davis said self confidence is the secret to many problems children face including bullying.
“Bullies don’t prey on confident children they prey on those who lack confidence. We need to focus on children and build their confidence so bullies don’t bother with them,” she said.
Although it might be a taboo subject Davis said she does speak about things “people don’t want to talk about” such as teen suicide. She sees being more open and discussing the issue as key to it prevention.
“It’s all about claiming self worth.”
As a teacher Davis said one of the things she noticed was when new children would arrive at her class many of the “kids were shutting down and lack self worth and self esteem…it was an area I wanted to explore and could not find a book or paper on it. I could not find anything,” Davis said, adding it lead her to start to develop a theory that self worth was at the root of everything and a way to fix the problems.
At the present time she said 90 percent of her work entails working with First Nations people because what is missing in many cases is not just cultural and language but also a lack of self worth.
“My stuff is not something you will find in a text book it is actual…I am a big results person,” Davis said.
The one day workshop will “focus on 10 strategies to boost the confidence in children and none of these strategies cost you any money. These are strategies which work with children.”
The $100 fee for the March 30 one day workshop includes lunch and will be held at Fit For Life (303 High Street West) from 8:30 am - 4 pm and is geared for parents, teachers, counsellors, day care workers and others who work with children.
To register contact or phone 1 780 898 5249.